Everyday subject, north-south and glocalization

Critical to the imperial way of living – part 2


  • Stefanie Hürtgen




Labour, imperial way of life, structural heterogeneity, glocalization, regulation theory, Marx


In the first part, the article discusses capitalism- and subject-theoretical limitations of the concept of the »imperial way of living«, among other things in confrontation with regulation theory and with a general marxian concept of labour as creative social practice. In the second part, a geographical critique of the conceptual juxtaposition of North and South follows, and a spatial theoretical updating is undertaken, along three categories: »structural heterogeneity«, »glocalization« and »fragmenting development«.


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How to Cite

Hürtgen, S. (2021). Everyday subject, north-south and glocalization: Critical to the imperial way of living – part 2. PROKLA. Journal of Critical Social Science, 51(203), 367–388. https://doi.org/10.32387/prokla.v51i203.1940



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