Ultraimperialismus oder interimperialistische Konkurrenz?
Fragen an eine aus den Fugen geratene Zeit
Imperialismus, Geopolitik, Imperialismustheorien, USAAbstract
During the last decade of the twentieth century, the concept of “imperialism” was not used very much by social scientists. But after 9/11, the concept started a new career. Not only left-wing theorists, but also members of the establishment like Michael Walzer and Michael Ingnatieff used the term to describe the foreign policy of the US under George W. Bush. Marxists like Leo Panitch, Sam Gindin and David Harvey argued that within the “New Imperialism” the ultra-imperialistic cooperation between the US and Europe plays a dominant role for the world order. A decade later, the rivalry between the big empires has aquired new importance.