Crisis of (European) Social Democracy
Editorial, Crisis, Social Democracy, European UnionAbstract
In May 2019, European social democracy faces a fiasco in the European elections. It won't be the first and the bad polls are not just a short-term phenomenon, but an expression of a long-lasting decline of social democracy in Europe. The golden years of social democratic electoral success go back some 20 years. Since the 1990s, social democracy has been subject to a process of transformation in terms of both content and strategy, which can be described as "market social democracy" (Oliver Nachtwey). The resulting lack of legitimacy removed the European social democratic parties from their ancestral clientele. From then on, they wanted to be parties of the "middle". The crisis since 2008 accelerated the decline, which is accompanied by a tectonic shift within the party system. PROKLA will analyse the "crisis of (European) social democracy" and elaborate its social, political and economic reasons. To this end, the analysis will not remain on the surface of everyday political business, but will be embedded in a determination of social transformation processes.
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