Globalization conflicts

The strategic positioning and role of the European Union


  • Hans-Jürgen Bieling



European Union, EU, Globalisation, Nationalism, Protectionism, World Market


The intensified world economic conflicts point to a deep crisis in transatlantic globalization policy. As early as the 2000s, the EU had shifted course from a „deep“, comprehensive and multilateral to a pragmatically oriented, excessive-bilateral liberalization policy. Faced with the "double crisis" – of populist nationalism and emerging protectionism – it basically sticks to its course. It has also cautiously abandoned its commitment to close transatlantic cooperation. Due to internal EU dissonances and divergences of interest, however, this detachment remains strategically and programmatically weakly profiled.


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How to Cite

Bieling, H.-J. (2019). Globalization conflicts: The strategic positioning and role of the European Union. PROKLA. Journal of Critical Social Science, 49(194), 59–78.



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