Die Zukunft des Bildungssystems: Lernen auf Abruf - eigenverantwortlich und lebenslänglich!
Oder: die langfristige Entwicklung und politische Implementierung eines postindustriellen Bidlungsparadigma
Bildungssystem, Bildungspolitik, Internationalisierung, ÖkonomisierungAbstract
The German educational system passes through a lasting conversion under the aegis of terms like "market", "competition", and "personal responsibility". As a result the rapport of corporate and individual responsibility will be reversed: education solely becomes a resource of individual competitiveness in deregulated markets. The article deciphers the conversion as an example for the long lasting strategy of neoliberal politics. Thereby a special focus lies on a certain kind of "sub-politics" carried out by advocacy think tanks, which are acting in the threshold of science, media and politics.