Between Agony and Awakening

Trump, the Coronavirus, and the Fight for the American Cultural Landscape




cultural policy, US, cultural workers, NEA, creative class, museums


At present, the cultural sphere in the United States stands before a number of challenges: structures of cultural financing which have grown over the course of history are coming under increasing criticism, the Trump administration has cut public spending on culture, and the Coronavirus pandemic has exacerbated the existential fears of those working in the cultural sector. This article will serve as an analysis of present conditions and developments in US cultural policy. What is the social position of those working in the cultural sector? Can any correlation between the predominant absence of public funding for culture and the living and working conditions of artists be recognised? How is the pandemic affecting a primarily privately organised cultural sector? Which political reactions, webs of interests, and mobilisations can be recognised?


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How to Cite

Prasse, N. (2021). Between Agony and Awakening: Trump, the Coronavirus, and the Fight for the American Cultural Landscape. PROKLA. Journal of Critical Social Science, 51(203), 335–354.



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