Visegrád-4 and the EU

Between dependence and partial dissidence


  • Joachim Becker Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien



Visegrád-Group, European Union, Periphery, desintegration, right-wing populism, Eastern europe


The Visegrád Group has started to voice viewpoints on the integration policies that dissent from the core group around Germany. On the one hand, this is an expression of widespread disenchantment with the European integration process, which has been partially a consequence of the “great crisis” and EU crisis management. On the other hand, incipient disintegration processes have created spaces for the peripheral Central East European states to take a stance against core countries. The Visegrád group is, however, not homogeneous. In Hungary and Poland, national conservative forces were voted into office in the wake of the “great crisis”. These governments strive to strengthen the role of domestic capital. Thus, there power blocks have been re-configured. This has had consequences for the EU policies. While the PiS and Fidesz government do not question the single market, they aim at strengthening the role of national governments in the EU. In the Czech Republic and Slovakia, the externally orientated power block has not been shaken to the same extent though the political party system is in profound restructuring. As the only euro zone country among the Visegrád countries, Slovakia aims to be part of the institutional core of the EU, i.e. the euro zone. The subordinate integration into the German export industrial complex limits the spaces for autonomous policies in the Visegrád countries.


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Author Biography

Joachim Becker, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien

Joachim Becker ist a.o. Professor am Institut für Außenwirtschaft und Entwicklung an der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien.


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How to Cite

Becker, J. (2018). Visegrád-4 and the EU: Between dependence and partial dissidence. PROKLA. Journal of Critical Social Science, 48(192), 417–436.

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