Kuba: Die Reform von innen, die nicht stattfand
Die Renaissance der kubanischen Sozialwissenschaften und die Reaktion der Staatsführung - eine Sichtung neuerer Publikationen aus Kuba
Kuba, Sozialwissenschaft, Krise, Sozialismus, DemokratisierungAbstract
Over the last 3 or 4 years, a new spirit of debate and controversy over the problems and future perspectives of Cuban socialism has emerged within the academic establishment of the island. However, in march last year the Politburo of Cuba's Communist Party launched an aggressive» ideological crusade« against this development, labe!ling it »subversive«, »dangerous deviation« and »the emergence of fifth-columnism in Cuba«. The obective of the article is, first, to sketch the outlines of this intellectual debate by reviewing the most central academic publications as weil on the necessary economic reform steps as on the political and social aspects of Cuba's current c1isis, and, second, to draw - one year after the sadly famous campaign of the Politburo - a first balance of its consequences.