Future in the Past

From the Industrial Alternative Movement of the 1970s to Strategic Co-Determination?


  • Philipp Frey
  • Felix Gnisa




Conversion, Digitalization, Lucas Plan, Strategic Co-Determination, Socio-Ecological Transformation


Considering the challenges that companies are facing in the context of the socio-ecological transformation, the question arises how the strategic capacity of works councils can be strengthened. This article asks, what impulses the industrial alternative movement of the 1970s can deliver to extended co-determination in Germany. The discussion focuses on the potentials and limits of a greater politicization of workplace conflicts, an anticipatory engagement in strategic co-determination, and the usage of employee knowledge as a power resource.


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How to Cite

Frey, P., & Gnisa, F. (2023). Future in the Past: From the Industrial Alternative Movement of the 1970s to Strategic Co-Determination?. PROKLA. Journal of Critical Social Science, 53(213), 641–660. https://doi.org/10.32387/prokla.v53i213.2085

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