The Working Class and the Imperial Mode of Living

A Reply to Stefanie Hürtgen


  • Ulrich Brand
  • Markus Wissen



Imperial mode of living, theory of capitalism, class theory, subjectivity, North-South relations, ecology as a class question


Stefanie Hu?rtgen has critically dealt with the concept of imperial mode of living in PROKLA: According to her, the concept neglects the class issue and obstinate everyday subjectivities. The North-South relation is conceptualised in an unduly simplied manner. We admit the necessity of scrutinizing the subjective preconditions of a socio-ecological transformation. However, obstinate subjectivities are not necessarily emancipative. The challenge thus consists in understanding the relationship between questioning and reproducing the imperial mode of living in everyday practices. The »North« and the »South« should not be abandoned as territorial categories.


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How to Cite

Brand, U., & Wissen, M. (2021). The Working Class and the Imperial Mode of Living: A Reply to Stefanie Hürtgen. PROKLA. Journal of Critical Social Science, 51(205), 741–753.



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