Emancipatory Perspectives in the »Anthropocene«

On the Limits of Green Capitalism and the Necessity of a Radical Alternative


  • Markus Wissen
  • Ulrich Brand




Anthropocene, Social Nature Relations, Ecosocialism


The powerful Anthropocene narrative understands the ecological crisis as caused by »humankind«. In doing so, it neglects however the social intermediation of human impacts on nature, shaped by various forms of domination. Therefore, it can imagine the dealing with the ecological crisis only in terms of a technologically modernised mastery of nature. This form of crisis management threatens to aggravate the ecological crisis and to deepen social divisions. More recent ecosocialist concepts provide for alternative crisis diagnoses and strategies. They require, however, a foundation in state and hegemony theory and insights from the critical theory of social nature relations.


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How to Cite

Wissen, M., & Brand, U. (2022). Emancipatory Perspectives in the »Anthropocene«: On the Limits of Green Capitalism and the Necessity of a Radical Alternative. PROKLA. Journal of Critical Social Science, 52(207), 263–281. https://doi.org/10.32387/prokla.v52i207.1992

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