Homo Oeconomicus
Zur geschlechtsspezifischen Konstruktion der Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Geschlechterverhältnisse, Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Neoklassik, Feministische ÖkonomieAbstract
The article deals with the beginnig feminist debate on the gender-specific construction of economic theory. Economics and the development of economic theory are androcentric biased - this thesis is developed by analysing the dominant, i.e. neoclassical, economic theory. The main categories constituting economic thinking like »efficiancy«, »rationality«, »maximizing behaviour«, and »division of labour« are discussed from the point of gender-relation in market economies. The ongoing debate among feminist economists and the main lines of an emerging critique are summarized. lt comes to the conclusion that a feminist economic theory is far from being fully developed or recognized within the scientific community. but that there is a growing need to organize the discussion.