From Socialisation to Planning and Back Again

On Old and New Debates on Economic Planning and Socialisation




Economic Planning, Private Property, Transformation, Socialist Calculation


We discuss the connections between historical and current debates on socialisation and democratic economic planning. Based on the historical debate on socialisation, it argues that both economic planning and the democratisation of the economy were central goals of various socialisation proposals. While the socialisation debate focuses more on the prospect of transformation, the debate on democratic economic planning concretises the goal, i.e. the creation of a radically democratic mode of production oriented towards the common good.


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How to Cite

Berfelde, R., & Blumenfeld, J. (2024). From Socialisation to Planning and Back Again: On Old and New Debates on Economic Planning and Socialisation. PROKLA. Journal of Critical Social Science, 54(215), 177–193.

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