Berliner Wagenburgen: Transformation peripherer Räume, Stigmatisierung sozialer Gruppen und die Abwehr von Marginalisierung
Berlin, Peripherie, Bewegungen, Regulation, Armut, TransformationAbstract
This article focuses on the transformation of peripheral spaces in Berlin and the stigmatization of collective living arrangements within this process. The marginalization of the Berlin inner-city laagers (Wagenburgen) and the strategies and tactics they employ to confront this hegemonic project shed a light upon the complex set of relations between spaces, identities and resistance in the process of urbanization. A second topic is the formation of NIMBYism in Berlin in the process of suburbanization. The tensions arising between the inner-city and suburbanites articulate a new set of conflicts in Berlin politics. Regulating inner-city contradictions on the suburban fringe is history. The conflict concerning the (relocation of) laagers serves as just one example - but the most advanced for the time being.