Postfossil Extractivism?

The Multiplication of Social-Ecological Conflicts in the Global South Caused by Decarbonization Policies


  • Anne Tittor



Extractivism, Social-Ecological Transformation, Conflicts, North-South-Relations, Postfossil Era


The policies that are currently driving decarbonization are generating an additional demand for a wide variety of raw materials (e.g. lithium, copper, rare earths, biomass) and, require a great deal of energy in the future. Energy is to be generated predominantly or exclusively based on renewable sources, which have a much lower energy density than coal and oil. Therefore, an immense demand for land and an increase in conflicts over land and resources is to be expected. In order to grasp the increase in socio-ecological (transformation) conflicts in the Global South caused by decarbonization processes, this article proposes the concept of »post-fossil extractivism«.


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How to Cite

Tittor, A. (2023). Postfossil Extractivism? The Multiplication of Social-Ecological Conflicts in the Global South Caused by Decarbonization Policies. PROKLA. Journal of Critical Social Science, 53(210), 77–98.

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