Revival through Protest

Successes and Setbacks of the Left in Chile




Chile, Latin America, Social Movements, Left Governments, Social Classes


Chile turned politically to the left in recent years. This has primarily to do with the intensification of a variety of social movements and protests in the 2010s. The large social uprisings at the end of 2019 permanently shook the neoliberal model and gave a strong boost to a more radical left than the social democracy. However, most recently, the political process to draft a new constitution in order to replace the one of the military dictatorship failed. This article discusses the reasons for the rise of the Chilean left and the causes of its recent setbacks.


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How to Cite

Graf, J. (2022). Revival through Protest: Successes and Setbacks of the Left in Chile. PROKLA. Journal of Critical Social Science, 52(209), 649–668.



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