»… may it be a little more?«

The New German Rearmament


  • Jens Warburg




Ukraine War 2022, Rearmament, Bundeswehr, 100 Billion Euros Package


The attack on Ukraine reactivated NATO as a military alliance. At the same time, it was decided with great consensus in the Federal Republic that the Bundeswehr would be massively rearmed. The article examines what kind of war scenario the Federal Republic and its allies are preparing for, and also explores the question of what  consequences rearmament could have for the Federal Republic.


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How to Cite

Warburg, J. (2022). »… may it be a little more?«: The New German Rearmament. PROKLA. Journal of Critical Social Science, 52(209), 693–710. https://doi.org/10.32387/prokla.v52i209.2020



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