Dance of the Superfluous
Class struggles in Global South – the case of Chile
Latin America, CHile, classes, conflictsAbstract
Chile has been experiencing a wave of social protests since October 2019. Large parts of the population joined the uprising against the »neo-liberal model« within a very short time and took part in months of struggle and processes of selforganizing. Our thesis is that these are class conflicts that differ in its form from typical struggles between capital and labour, as we usually think of them in the terms of Marx and as we know them from the global centres of the world economy. Although the considered conflicts revolve strongly around the themes of commodification and insecurity, they are not cross-class conflicts against the market in the sense of Polanyi either. Looking at the case of Chile, we rather show that class conflicts can take on their very own forms outside the narrow field of corporate conflicts, which has decisive consequences in terms of the power resources, subjects, but also potentials associated with them.
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