Social Reproduction Beyond Productivity Functionalism

Premises of Spatially Sensitive Reproduction Research for the Present




Labour, Marxism-Feminism, Space, Theories of Social Reproduction


As the social conditions of social reproduction change, Marxist-feminist Theories of Social Reproduction are also called upon to update and expand their theoretical tools. This is even more important as central concepts and perspectives of reproduction theory are strongly influenced by the context of the Fordist reproduction model of the 1970s. In doing so, it is important to hold on to old strengths on the one hand and, on the other, to reconsider and abandon conceptual and analytical narrow-mindedness. The article criticises productivity functionalism and the absence of the category of space, thus addressing two current gaps in Theories of Social Reproduction and makes suggestions on how to deal with them.


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How to Cite

Haubner, T. (2024). Social Reproduction Beyond Productivity Functionalism: Premises of Spatially Sensitive Reproduction Research for the Present. PROKLA. Journal of Critical Social Science, 54(214), 33–50.



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