Finding the jump

Beyond Capitalism with a Green New Deal?


  • Ronja Morgenthaler
  • Lasse Thiele



Green New Deal, Degrowth, social-ecological transformation, capitalism


»Radical« proposals for a Green New Deal (GND) attempt to harness the idea’s enormous mobilization potential for a deeper social-ecological transformation. But they remain vague as to where and how the trajectory of such a transformative GND should depart from a social-democratic variant of »green« capitalism. This article proposes to understand a radicalized GND as a potential building block within a three-pronged transformation strategy inspired by E.O. Wright, envisioning an interplay between »symbiotic« reforms and the expansion of noncapitalist spaces.


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How to Cite

Morgenthaler, R., & Thiele, L. (2021). Finding the jump: Beyond Capitalism with a Green New Deal?. PROKLA. Journal of Critical Social Science, 51(202), 53–70.