From the New Deal of the 1930s to the Green New Deal


  • Steffen Lehndorff



New Deal, Roosevelt, Green New Deal, social-ecological transformation


The New Deal policy of the Roosevelt administration was an unprecedented reform project in response to depression, mass unemployment and social impoverishment. It was based on a political and social dynamic that included a willingness to experiment and learn from mistakes, an interplay between government and social movements, and the courage to engage in conflict with powerful interest groups in business, politics and the media. A look back at this both successful and contradictory reform process is stimulating for all those who are thinking today about how a radical turn toward a social-ecological transformation can be set in motion.


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How to Cite

Lehndorff, S. (2021). From the New Deal of the 1930s to the Green New Deal. PROKLA. Journal of Critical Social Science, 51(202), 149–161.

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