German Social Democracy on the brink of collapse - torn between cosmopolitanism and communitarianism?




social democracy, SPD, party system


The development of social democracy is not new, but its significance for society as a whole means that it is currently being rediscovered by the public. But the discussion remains superficial. A party - in the Gramscian sense as a social group - only disappears when the conflict from which the party emerged has been resolved. Accordingly, the organizations and traditions of the German parties date back 150 years - a remarkable constancy. And the central social lines of conflict have not changed significantly. Despite the claim of mainstream sociology that individualization is the cause of the decline of social democracy.


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How to Cite

Ehling, J. (2019). German Social Democracy on the brink of collapse - torn between cosmopolitanism and communitarianism?. PROKLA. Journal of Critical Social Science, 49(196), 455–462.

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