Das dezentrale Lagersystem für Flüchtlinge
Scharnier zwischen regulären und irregulären Arbeitsmarktsegmenten
Flüchtlinge, Migrationspolitik, Arbeitsmarkt, DeutschlandAbstract
It's possible to see the accommodation of estimated 600.000 refugees in Germany as a decentralised camp-system. Coming from a definition of this system, the historical conditions of emergence are described as a willing social devaluation and a way to supply workforce. So the economical embedding and function of the decentralised campsystem will be analysed. Here for the ethnical layers of the labour market are described in their regular and irregular segments. As a result the decentralized camp-system can be seen as embedded in the present relations of production as reservoir of regular workers in the Bundesländern of high prosperity. At the same time it works as a hinge to the irregular segments of the ethnically layered labour market. At the end the ideological function of the refugee as prototype of the neoliberal worker will be discussed.