Capitalist State and Pandemic (Part 1)


  • Alex Demirović



Covid-19, Materialistic State Theory, Labour, Health Policy, Biopolitics


The article shows that the expectations of the state, also formulated by leftists, to cope with the Corona crisis are not well-founded. And neither does the state enter into a form of exceptional rule, nor does the neoliberal technology of government of the preventive and activated self prevail. The capitalist state is highly fractionalised and does not form a coherent policy. The state is organising a new relationship to society and a new compromise between the bourgeois camp and a petty bourgeoisie that is critical of the state and activates itself through protests. The pandemic forms a limit of the capitalist state as a social relationship of domination that is hardly up to the challenges.


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How to Cite

Demirović, A. (2022). Capitalist State and Pandemic (Part 1). PROKLA. Journal of Critical Social Science, 52(206), 11–32.

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