Concepts of participation: Unconditional basic income or right to work?


  • Martin Kronauer



right to work, basic income, critique of capitalism, participatory justice


The article confronts the demand for an unconditional basic income which enjoys much support in the left with the once prominent demand for a right to work („working less and better, work for everyone“) which seems to have been forgotten. It compares the demands with regard to social participation and sees the main difference in the significance which both attribute to socially necessary work within and beyond capitalism. In conclusion, the article pleads to bring the demand for a right to work anew and in new ways on the agenda of public debate.


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How to Cite

Kronauer, M. (2019). Concepts of participation: Unconditional basic income or right to work?. PROKLA. Journal of Critical Social Science, 49(197), 617–630.



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