“Rightist City” or “Right to the City”?


  • Peter Bescherer




Right to the City, AfD, Right wing populism, New Class politics


The article is about the relevance of the urban-rural-divide in the analysis of the shift to the right in contemporary German politics. It argues against the oversimplification in contrasting the cosmopolitan city to the backward countryside. But it nevertheless sticks to the importance of socio-spatial differences for political orientations. In this vein, urban issues such as the new housing question might foster a rightist city. The second part of the text explores the role of social urban movements in the struggle against right wing populism.


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How to Cite

Bescherer, P. (2019). “Rightist City” or “Right to the City”? . PROKLA. Journal of Critical Social Science, 49(194), 157–161. https://doi.org/10.32387/prokla.v49i194.1772

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