A “ticking geostrategic time bomb”
Phosphate trade and restructuring in the global fertilizer industry
fertilizer industry, Phospat trade, World Market, Ecological Question, Agrarian industryAbstract
Phosphorus is a non-substitutable nutrient in fertilizers that are essential for the production of cheap food. This article analyses the changes in the global phos- phate industry from a longue-dure?e-perspective and elaborates on the developments since the drastic price spikes in 2007 and 2011 in more detail. Since then, scholars have discussed a geological depletion of the raw material phosphate rock (peak phosphorus), which will be relevant in the long run, but currently we are rather observing a politically induced scarcity of phosphate products for importing countries (USA, Europe, Brazil, India). The raw mate- rial is highly concentrated in China and Morocco, which are increasingly asserting their own interests against the old centres of the world system (USA, Europe).
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