A Short History of the Internet

The incorporation of the Internet into capitalist relations is by no means complete and is still contested.


  • Susanne Lang




Political Economy, Internet, capitalism, Industry 4.0, History of the Internet


 The design and development of the internet is conceptualized in three stages: the basic technological development and the social and political preconditions for its dispersion can be traced back to 1962 until 1992. Afterwards the technology is being appropriated and incorporated into the capitalist mode of production. From 1993 until 2003 buisiness models and commercial enterprises arise and reshape the Service Sector. Finally, when the capitalist incorporation is completed in 2004, the phase of extensive and intensive expansion and its subsequent conquer of new markets proceeds.


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Author Biography

Susanne Lang

Susanne Lang ist Online-Redakteurin und Autorin in Berlin.


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How to Cite

Lang, S. (2017). A Short History of the Internet: The incorporation of the Internet into capitalist relations is by no means complete and is still contested. PROKLA. Journal of Critical Social Science, 47(186), 7–26. https://doi.org/10.32387/prokla.v47i186.150



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