Vol. 46 No. 185 (2016): State of Exception: Barbarism or Socialism?

					View Vol. 46 No. 185 (2016): State of Exception: Barbarism or Socialism?

The political dynamic has accelerated enormously in the past years. Events and problems take turns in an ever-faster rhythm. Critical analysis falls behind these quick successions of challenges and priorities. It seems like the endeavour to explore these dynamics does not only make us breathless, but is also in vain. This state of exception itself needs to be analysed. By state of exception, we do not simply mean practices of domination beyond the rule of law, which also increasingly exist. Rather, it refers to the sense that the world is going off the rails. But are social relations really becoming more and more chaotic? Can we identify patterns within the chaos? And: Are there interrelations between the various disturbing events which seem to follow their own logic but might actually originate from a specific global constellation requiring further analysis? To what does the increasingly authoritarian state respond – and why are terms such as authoritarian statism, dual state or fascism insufficient to analyse current developments?

Published: 2016-12-01