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Articles published in this journal are subject to a multi-step peer-review process to ensure that they meet our scientific and editorial quality standards. Manuscripts are being reviewed by at least two editors and, if possible, discussed at an editorial meeting. In addition, manuscripts pass through a proofreading process before publication.
Submission of Proposals
The editors publish a Call for Papers to invite abstracts for articles on special issues. Abstracts should present the key arguments in their theoretical and empirical context and have a length of one to two pages. Entire manuscripts can also be submitted. However, we only accept original contributions which have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere (no reprints).
The editorial board assesses the abstracts and – in the case of acceptance – invites authors to prepare an article. Usually, there are four months between abstract submission and the final manuscript submission deadline. The final decision whether an article will be published or not is being made by the editorial board in an internal review process based on the final and complete version of the manuscript.
It is also possible to submit abstracts and manuscripts independently from the current Call for Papers.
The maximum length of articles is 45,000 characters, including footnotes, references and space characters. We kindly ask all authors to carefully read our guidelines regarding citation style and formal design. The guidelines are available on our website. Manuscripts, which do not comply with our guidelines, will be returned to the authors for revision.
Review Process
Manuscripts are reviewed by at least two editors and in some cases also discussed by the entire editorial board. If necessary, the editorial board consults external reviewers and/or members of the Scientific Advisory Board. The main criteria for evaluation are scientific and methodological quality and correctness, adequate references to the state-of-the-art, originality of the manuscript, coherence and consistency of the argument, language style as well as concordance with the range of subjects and concept of the journal. If the editorial board decides to publish a manuscript, the manuscript is sent back to the author for revision.
Authorisation and Proofreading
The author edits the manuscript along the suggestions for revision and possibly justifies why specific suggestions are not taken into account. If necessary, articles go through a second review loop. After authorisation, the editorial board examines in a final check whether all revisions have been implemented coherently. Subsequently, the manuscript is checked for grammar, spelling and style. The author then authorises this version. Any remaining misspellings are removed in the final proofreading. At least two editors as well as the publisher are involved in this final stage.
PROKLA is published by
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PROKLA. Zeitschrift für kritische Sozialwissenschaft |ISSN: 0342-8176 | Impressum und Datenschutz