Der globale Bildungsmarkt
Hegemoniekämpfe um Qualitätsstandards und Anerkennung von Abschlüssen
Hegemonie, Globalisierung, Hochschule, NeogramscianismusAbstract
The regional and international initiatives on quality assurance, accreditation and recognition can be seen as part of current efforts to create a global service economy. While the Neo-Grarnscian approach offers a thorough analysis of the current restructuring of global power relations, its conceptual wealmess becomes evident when one looks at the institutional setting of the current changes in general, and the international initiatives on quality assurance in particular. Ail these initiatives are taking place outside the international organizations that are described by the Neo-Grarnscians as the core of the new constitutionalism. However, the initiatives can hardly be tal<en as an indication of an emerging counter-hegemony directed against the hegemony of the transnational class fraction. The main argument of the article is that these initiatives are in fact crucial for sustaining the global hegemony of this fraction.