Peripheralised, Marginalised, Absorbed

The Production and Reproduction of Rural Surplus Populations


  • Laura Boemke
  • Tine Haubner
  • Mike Laufenberg



Informal Economy, Marginalisation, Peripheralisation, Poverty, Rural Areas


Our research on rural peripheries is engaged with the Marxist concept of »surplus population« to examine a characteristic element of class formation in the »inner peripheries« of East and West Germany. This article theorises surplusification as a dynamic and spatially contingent process of producing supposedly superfluous populations. Drawing on empirical research findings from rural poverty regions in Germany and an expanded concept of work/labour that includes the sphere of social reproduction, we exlore the interrelation of three dimensions of this active production and management of surplus populations: peripheralisation, marginalisation and incorporation.


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How to Cite

Boemke, L., Haubner, T., & Laufenberg, M. (2025). Peripheralised, Marginalised, Absorbed: The Production and Reproduction of Rural Surplus Populations. PROKLA. Journal of Critical Social Science, 55(218), 75–95.

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