The End of the Fossil Class Compromise

The Yellow Vest Movement as Ecological Conflict of the »Hinterland«


  • Simon Schaupp



Austerity, Car, Classes, Deindustrialization, Ecological Crisis


Class compromise in the global North is based on the availability of cheap fossil fuels; individual car ownership became its hallmark. As a result of the ecological-economic crisis and state responses in the form of an austerity ecology, this fossil class compromise is increasingly coming under pressure. As a result, new ecological class conflicts are emerging, which are examined here using the example of the French yellow vest movement. The center of these conflicts is the »hinterland« (Neel), which is particularly affected by deindustrialization and austerity-ecological measures such as the French fuel tax.


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How to Cite

Schaupp, S. (2021). The End of the Fossil Class Compromise: The Yellow Vest Movement as Ecological Conflict of the »Hinterland«. PROKLA. Journal of Critical Social Science, 51(204), 435–453.