Corona and the next eurozone crisis


  • Etienne Schneider University of Vienna
  • Felix Syrovatka Eberhard-Karls University of Tübingen



Eurozone crisis, Corona-Pandemic, European Integration


The coronavirus pandemic is developing into a global economic crisis. We argue that this might trigger a new eurozone crisis as the Eurozone is even more fragile today than in 2009: While in Southern Europe, the euro crisis has never been entirely overcome, the institutional reform of the architecture of the monetary union to make it more crisis-proof has been politically blocked in the past years. Moreover, the coronavirus crisis so far has hit Italy particularly hard, the country which had been the point of condensation of the contradictions of uneven development in Europe already before the corona pandemic. Against this background, the article concludes by discussing dangers and opportunities that progressive actors are facing in light of a potential second eurozone crisis


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Author Biographies

Etienne Schneider, University of Vienna

Etienne Schneider is a doctoral student at the University of Vienna, exploring the conflicts in the German power bloc over the future development of European economic integration. He is an editor of the German journal PROKLA.

Felix Syrovatka, Eberhard-Karls University of Tübingen

Felix Syrovatka is a doctoral student at the University of Tübingen researching European labor market policy in the crisis. He is an editor of the PROKLA.


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2020-04-16 — Updated on 2020-06-02


How to Cite

Schneider, E., & Syrovatka, S. (2020). Corona and the next eurozone crisis. PROKLA. Journal of Critical Social Science, 50(199), 335–344. (Original work published April 16, 2020)

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