Financial dependency

On foreign debt and the economically extrovert orientation of (semi-)peripheries


  • Joachim Becker
  • Rudy Weissenbacher



Dependency, financialization, foreign debt, debt, global political economy


A decade after the beginning of the international financial crisis in 2007/2008, external debt problems of key countries in the global semi-periphery have become acute once again. This article analyses the dynamics of peripheral and semi-peripheral economies’ international indebtedness, in the context of their accumulation models. The combinations of external indebtedness and accumulation shape the form and extent of vulnerability to economic crises. Those economies which have proven particularly vulnerable to crisis are primarily those with features of strong dependent financialisation and/or narrow specialisation in raw material exports.


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How to Cite

Becker, J., & Weissenbacher, R. (2020). Financial dependency: On foreign debt and the economically extrovert orientation of (semi-)peripheries. PROKLA. Journal of Critical Social Science, 50(198), 69–88.

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