Sozial-räumliche Dynamiken der Agrartreibstoffe.

Transnationale Netzwerke, skalare Rekonfigurationen, umkämpfte Orte und Territorien


  • Kristina Dietz
  • Bettina Engels
  • Oliver Pye



Agrartreibstoffe, Scale, Ressourcen, Ressourcenpolitik, Energiepolitik


This article explores the spatial dynamics of agrofuels. Building on categories from the field of critical spatial theory, it shows how these categories enable a comprehensive analysis of the spatial dynamics of agrofuels that links the macro-structures of the global political economy to concrete, place-based struggles. Four core socio-spatial dynamics of agrofuel politics are highlighted and applied to empirical findings: territorialization, the financial sector as a new scale of regulation, place-based struggles and transnational spaces of resources and capital flows.


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Dietz, K., Engels, B., & Pye, O. (2016). Sozial-räumliche Dynamiken der Agrartreibstoffe.: Transnationale Netzwerke, skalare Rekonfigurationen, umkämpfte Orte und Territorien. PROKLA. Zeitschrift für Kritische Sozialwissenschaft, 46(184), 423–440.

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