„State Failure“ und „asymmetrische Kriege“ als Paradigmen von Weltordnungspolitik
Die Beiträge Herfried Münklers zu einer Neubestimmung imperialer Politik
Weltordnung, Münkler, Krieg, Staat, failed states, ImperialismusAbstract
Herfried Münkler – who has delivered extensive descriptions of New Wars and the configuration of Empires – is actually treated as one of the most important political analysts in Germany. However, there are very few critical discussions of h is t hesis. Münkler m aintains t hat irregular, ‘ non-state’ wars lead t o a spreading of uncontrollable violence. In this sense and applying to Thomas Hobbes and Carl Schmitt, he celebrates the strong State as a successful instrument of ruling policies and pacification. With similar arguments, he pleads for a self-confident dealing with imperial strategies in international contexts. Münkler, in this way, puts doubtful political arguments at the disposal of the Berlin Republic and its new claims of power.