Eine Wegbeschreibung mit kurzweiligen Abschweifungen
Hochschule, Wissenschaft, DDR, OstdeutschlandAbstract
The 'conservative modernisation' in the East German system of higher education since 1990 resulted from strong influences: a roll back policy which took room in the debate on educational politics in unified Germany, a strong tendency of conservatism among the former 'communist' dominated academic staff in East Germany, deficites in organisational skills and perception of reform-oriented East German potential change agents, and a variety of channels and instruments for intervention used by political decision makers in Eastern Gern1any. In spite of all 'successes' of conservative restructering in East German universities, it will not be possible to apply the same simple programme to the West German system ofhigher education - even if conservative politicians would like to do so. But the clue to 'successful solutions' in East Germany could intensify the deficits oflegitimacy of West German universities in a false direction.