Von der Ungleichheit des globalen Naturverbrauchs
Die Rolle des internationalen Finanzsystems bei der Inwertsetzung, Zerstörung und Umverteilung der natürlichen Ressourcen des Südens1
Finanzsystem, Inwertsetzung, Umwelt, Ungleichheit, RessourcenAbstract
The vast majority of global natural resources is consumed and destroyed by a small minority of mankind in industrialised countries. The paper assesses the role that the international financial system and financial markets play in affecting access, consumption and destruction of global natural resources. By reviewing the causal links between the dynamics of indebtedness, currency crises and the proliferation of project finance by credit and direct investment on the one hand with exploitation of natural resources and the geographical distribution of their consumption and valorisation. It appears that the international financial system plays a significant and systemic role in facilitating the concentration of the global natural resources’ consumption in the North.