Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Politik: Die sozialwissenschaftliche Bedingtheit linker Reformpolitik
Leonhard Dobusch, Jakob Kapeller: Economy, Economics and Politics: On the Socioscientific
Conditionality of Progressivism. Neoliberal hegemony in politics and neoclassical
dominance in economics are closely intertwined. For a comeback of reform-oriented progressivism,
which is dependent upon reliable and pluralistic socio-scientific research, overcoming
this neoclassical dominance is a conditio sine qua non. Paradigmatic change in economics is,
however, unlikely to happen even after neoclassical deficiencies have become obvious in the
course of the financial crisis, due to several reciprocally enforcing institutional factors such as
career opportunities, disciplinary discourse culture, and citation-based research evaluation.
Based on this analysis, we sketch inner- and extradisciplinary avenues for (re-)pluralizing
economics as a discipline.