Neuer Produktivitätstyp - alte Vertretungsstrukturen
Die industriellen Beziehungen in der Bundesrepublik zwischen regionaler Dezentralisierung und Internationalisierung
Dezentralisierung, Internationalisierung, Deutschland, Industrie, GewerkschaftenAbstract
This article deals with the issue of which shape the effective representation of employees' individual and collective interests is likely to take in circumstances of intemal and extemal flexibility strategies pursued by entreprises. In particular, new forms of regional decentralisation and - parallel to it - advancing internationalisation are compared to the »model« of representing trade union interest in the Federal Republic of Germany. Following an outline of this form of representing interests, some developments in the course of strategies as regards flexibility and decentralisation in modern industrial sectors and regions are introduced. In the fourth section, the question is posed as to how trade union policies might have to respond to this changed situation.