Money makes the world go green?

A critique of Modern Monetary Theory as a concept in monetary theory




Monetary theory, public finance, Modern Monetary Theory, MMT, Green New Deal


In recent years, a concept in monetary theory has become prominent that claims to break with the fallacies of economic orthodoxy and to give an answer to the question of how to finance, say, a Green New Deal: Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). Against the background of Marxian theory, the article discusses the monetary and capitalism-theoretical premises of MMT. Contrary to its label, MMT is neither modern nor does money play a central role in its understanding of the capitalist economy, which leads to analytical, political, and strategic fallacies.


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How to Cite

Stützle, I. (2021). Money makes the world go green? A critique of Modern Monetary Theory as a concept in monetary theory. PROKLA. Journal of Critical Social Science, 51(202), 71–94.

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